Yanty's Butterfly screenshot of cover

Book Cover Art for Yanty’s Butterfly © 2016 by Momolu Freeman

Yanty’s Butterfly Haiku Nook: An Anthology

ed. Jacob Salzer and the Nook Editorial Staff

Yanty’s Butterfly is an international haiku anthology dedicated to Yanty Tjiam (1981-2015), and her family. Yanty was a haiku poet who passed away in 2015. She was a beloved member of our Haiku Nook community on Google+.

In honor of Yanty, 20 poets from Canada, the U.K., Germany, Persia/Iran, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, South Africa, Taiwan, the Philippines, and the U.S. have come together to create this anthology. In the spirit of Yanty, and global connectedness, Yanty’s Butterfly embodies a transformative power all its own.

This anthology consists of over 600 poems, spanning the variety of haiku forms: three-line haiku, two-line haiku, one-line haiku, four-line haiku, traditional haiku (5-7-5), concrete haiku, tanka, and haibun.

Featuring haiku by Yanty Tjiam, George Klacsanzky, Fei Zhan, and award-winning poet, Alan Summers, Yanty’s Butterfly is an essential addition to the haiku literature of the 21st century.